Hello from Canada! Thank you for your prayers during our recent travel and transition period.
June was the end of our latest missionary term, so we returned to North America for four months of partnership development— a time of reconnecting with partnering churches and raising support for our work in Japan. Before coming to Canada we spent two weeks in the US, where we connected with some churches, had meetings with leaders and fellow missionaries, and visited Global Partners headquarters.
Along the way, we had to get a tire fixed on our rental car, and our flight to Canada was cancelled so we had to reschedule. But it all worked out and we’re grateful for God’s protection and blessings along the way. Now we’re enjoying some time at Beulah Camp in New Brunswick before hitting the road again.
Over the next two+ months we have a lot of travel planned. We would appreciate your prayers for good health, safe travel, and effective ministry.
We’re also raising financial support for our next term. Right now GP has our “intended support” (faith promise) total at about 88% of our goal (target: $8735/month, actual: $7709/month USD). Please pray that we can gain some new partners during this season. And if you’re not already a regular giver, would you consider becoming one? Please let us know, or contact us with any questions you may have.
Thank you again for your partnership and prayers!